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Past Works



Editorial Cartooning

I have been a part of my school’s journalism team throughout my entire high school journey, consistently winning contests and even representing my school at the Division School Press Conference.
I have participated in editorial cartooning and taught young students how to express their opinions on current events or personalities through this art form.


My main expertise are drawing portraits. I am passionate about transforming simple shapes into detailed faces that convey different expressions and evoke feelings in the viewers. Drawing portraits has been the most captivating aspect of my creative journey.

Graphic Design

Advertisement Poster

In art school, I created numerous advertisement posters. These posters are crucial for grabbing attention and conveying messages quickly and effectively. I thoroughly enjoy the challenge of combining visuals and text to create compelling advertisements.

Graphic Illustration

I also design graphic posters, incorporating various elements to create visually appealing and informative pieces. This process allows me to experiment with different styles and techniques to communicate messages creatively.


Nature Photography

I enjoy photography, as I'm more of an outdoors person who likes to document everything. I add composition to my works to evoke emotions and add meaning to simple pictures. I especially love capturing images of people and how they interact with their surroundings.

Web Coding


During high school, I practiced using Dreamweaver and Visual Studio to create websites. I enjoyed the process and can create websites with features like this text-to-speech, and more.


In senior high school, I used block coding and Arduino, which helped me understand the basics of programming and hardware interaction. During my internship at a manufacturing company, I designed mobile interfaces, which allowed me to apply my skills in a real-world setting.

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